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My Weigh Scales - Ultra Ship ultra-55

My Weigh Scales - Ultra Ship ultra-55

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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• Offers dual accuracy with 2g resolution up to 1 kg and 10g resolution above 1 kg, making it suitable for both small and large packages.

• Features a detachable display with a 2-foot flex cord, allowing for easy viewing and wall-mounting.

• Includes a HOLD feature that allows users to weigh an item, press the HOLD key, and remove the item from the scale without the weight reading changing.

• Offers a tare button that can be pressed to "zero out" the weight on the scale, allowing for easy addition of more weight.

• Allows users to program the scale to turn off automatically or stay on until manually turned off.

• Features digital auto-calibration for easy setup and maintenance.

• Offers longer battery life for extended use.

• Supports multiple modes for weighing items in different units, such as ounces, pounds, grams, and kilograms.

• Includes a stainless steel platform for durability and ease of cleaning.

• Comes with an AC adapter for power supply.

• Backed by a 90-day manufacturer's warranty for added peace of mind

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